Wrongs Stew took pleasure in


“All were baptized into Stewart Traill. In every sense of the word: his teaching, his concepts, his view on life, his skepticism of other Christians. Go and learn what this means”.

Blessed is he and blessed is she who is able to get free from the grip of Stewart Traill and the Church of Bible Understanding, and those who are able to overcome his lies and curses will have a great reward.

Wrong Things Stewart Traill and
His Flock Took Pleasure In Doing

Psa 62:4 They only plan to thrust him down from his eminence. They take pleasure in falsehood. They bless with their mouths, but inwardly they curse.
Stewart took great pleasure and delight in doing every form of evil in the name of the Lord. His wrongdoing became his reason to exist. Evildoing became his passion. Would that he took great pleasure in pleasing Jesus. It would have been wonderful if he'd taken delight in serving the flock that God had entrusted him with. Unfortunately he is into pleasing himself, and not Christ. Stew seeks after his own interests.
Stewart took pleasure in doing wrong things that people would be ashamed of.
Stew took pleasure in abusing the sheep that were in his charge.
Stuart Traill delighted in lying to the brothers and sisters about his faithfulness toward Jesus.
Stewart Traill took delight in sharing private things about the brothers and sisters publicly.
He took pleasure and delight in watching them squirm when he was telling their secrets in the public square.
He took pleasure in telling them that they were going to go to hell.
He took pleasure in lording over his flock that he had the keys to true interpretation when he actually did not.
He took pleasure in telling the brothers and sisters who left his fellowship that they were backsliding.
He took pleasure in beating the sheep.
He took pleasure in showing partiality to certain brothers and sisters.
He took pleasure in seducing the sisters that were in his charge.
He took pleasure in depriving us of our wealth.
He took pleasure in telling the sisters they were Eve.
He took pleasure in telling the brothers they were dumb Adam.
He took pleasure in calling the sheep names.
He took pleasure in calling the sheep evil and mean names.
Stewart Traill took pleasure in saying that he was "gold" when he was really "black".
Stewart Traill took pleasure in mischief.
Stewart Traill took pleasure in knocking down anyone who challenged him or rose against him to question him.
He took offense at Dan, when Dan called him on his hypocrisy, and Stewart called him a woman.
He took delight and pleasure in seeing the brothers and sisters suffer and he turned a deaf ear. He took delight in garnering wealth. He took delight in spending money irresponsibly. He took delight in stealing money from the church.
He took delight in buying planes when the church had other problems.
He took delight in being rude.
He took delight in being nasty.
He took delight in twisting the truth.
He took delight in taking advantage.
He took delight in fondling sisters when they were asleep.
He took delight in being a dirty old man.
He took delight in laughing at their pain.
He took delight in laughing at their suffering.
He took delight in watching the brothers try to explain their way out of his traps.
He took delight in pissing on communion.
He took delight in causing the little ones to stumble.
He took delight in hiding behind the name of Jesus when his heart was far from Jesus.
He took pleasure in unrighteousness.
He took pleasure in being ready to do every form of evil.
He took delight in spitting in the Lord God's eye.
He took delight in quenching the Spirit.
He took delight in satisfying his flesh.
He took delight in doing abominable things.
He took delight in showing favoritism to wrongdoers.
He took delight in disheartening the righteous.
He too delight in boasting.
He boasted of his evildoing.
He took delight in filling the brothers and sisters with his evil.
He took delight in saying that he had true interpretation of the Bible when in truth he was overrated and under-informed.
It turns out that he was a man of sin and not a man of righteousness, for his resume said "repeat offender."
He took delight in the wicked weapons of warfare, to kill and destroy and devise new ways to harm, kill, and destroy.
Stewart Traill took delight in saying peace peace when there was no peace.
Stewart Traill took delight in being served and being waited on like a king.
He took delight in the praise of man.
He took delight in making the perfect forgery.
He took delight in dancing around the issues.
Stew took delight in hating Jesus.
Store truck took the light and hating the truth.
He took delight in not loving the truth.
He took delight in singing songs to a heavy heart.
He took delight and having a brothers and sisters give their entire paycheck.
He took delight in having a brothers and sisters ask for a special request to get underwear.
He took delight in enslaving God's people.
He took delight in getting others to do his dirty work.
He took delight in getting others to carry out his mischief.
Hey took delight and others disciplining his children what he should have been doing it himself.
He took delight in smearing the character of others.
He took delight in covering up his mischief publicly.
He took delight and covering on make nakedness privately.
Train he took delight in awaiting your confidence and then betrayed it.
He took delight in molesting the sisters and his harem.
He took delight in his proud spirit.
He took delight in being the king.
He took delight in his false teaching.
He took delight and promulgating his false religion.
He took delight in his wrong baptism.
He took delight and knowing that no 1 could see him for who and what he truly is and loves.
Stewart loved hiding in the darkness.
He took delight in saying that he missed grace for more than 25 years.
He took delight in saying that he had 0 grace for 25 years and suddenly he's going to give a Bible study about what Gracie is.
He took the light in the grace meeting of no grace.
He took delight in saying that the brothers were coming back when he was greatly mistaken.
He took delight in robbing and believing that the brothers and sisters coming back to line his pockets.
He took delight in calling the brothers lazy when in fact and in truth he was lazy.
He took pleasure in projecting his wrongdoings on others.
He took pleasure in walking in falsehood.
He enjoyed getting drunk with the drunken.
He took pleasure in lifting himself up and putting everybody else down.
He took pleasure in straining out and swallowing a camel He took pleasure and twisting the Scriptures to his phone in their own destruction We took pleasure in abusing each other.
We took pleasure in lying to one another.
We took pleasure in bearing false witness to another.
We took pleasure in bearing false witness.
We took pleasure in slandering 1 another.
We took pleasure in accepting false testimony.
We took pleasure in tearing down another faith.
We took pleasure in ungodliness.
We took pleasure in vile corruption.
We took pleasure in boasting about how great the figure system was when it never freed anyone. The figure system became more of Stewart Traill's prison.
We took pleasure in being cruel to one another.
We took pleasure in being cruel to everyone when they did not accept our message.
Stewart Traill took pleasure in the filthy talk that came out of his mouth concerning us.
Stewart Traill took pleasure in the love of money and the love of inappropriate sexual relations with church members. We took pleasure in going out witnessing and deceiving everyone.
Stewart Traill took pleasure in his wicked deception .
Stewart Traill took pleasure in not following the rules.
We took pleasure in defending Stewart Traill's wrongdoing.
We took pleasure in defending his rude behavior.
We took pleasure in defending his crude behavior.
We take pleasure in thinking that Stewart had all the answers.
We took pleasure in all sorts of evil.
Stewart Traill took pleasure in making the sheep miserable.
Stewart Traill took pleasure in seeing them hurting, and he just did not care.
Stewart Traill took pleasure in seeing them without clothes on, and he would just turn a blind eye.
He took pleasure in putting a stumbling block so that they could not find a good wife.
Stewart Traill took pleasure in obeying a shameful spirit.
He took pleasure in casting his guilt upon us when he himself should have been wearing his own guilt.
He took delight in committing adultery on his first and second wives.
He took pleasure in laying the women.
He took pleasure in being a snot.
He took pleasure in playing the great man but lacking bread.
He took pleasure in concealing his transgressions, which didn't make him prosper; "he who conceals his transgressions will not prosper".
He took pleasure in saying Who sees me, who knows me; is there knowledge in the Most High? how can God know?
He took pleasure in being an evildoer.
He took pleasure in being an evil-worker.
He took pleasure in mutilating the flesh.
He took pleasure in being a bully.
He took pleasure in being a phony.
He took pleasure in being a loud-mouth boaster while he had nothing.
He took pleasure in his empty talk.
He took pleasure in preying upon the sheep.
He took pleasure in trapping the sheep, for he knew they had no way of escape.
He took pleasure in stripping them of all of their defenses.
Stewart Traill took delight in being the only true teacher (or so he thought).
Stewart Traill took delight in deceiving himself! He took delight in committing adultery.
He took delight in calling us names.
He took joy in getting us to believe nonsense.
He took delight in prophecy fulfillment.
He took delight in filling our ear with his vile thoughts.
He took delight in tearing the hoofs off of the feet of the sheep.
He took delight in excusing his vile behavior.
He took delight in urinating on our heads.
He took delight in saying he was better than everyone else.
He laughed at them while he watched them suffer.
He enjoyed every moment of it.
He got off on it; in fact he looked forward to doing it.
He took pleasure in bludgeoning them.
He took joy in crippling them.
He took joy in watching them play his sick games.
He took joy in seeing them suffer for him.
He laughed, as he knew the brothers and sisters were suffering sexually.
He took great joy in saying, My heart is the only one that is worthy..
He took pleasure in saying, Your heart doesn't matter, mine does.
He took joy in stripping them of all good things that pertain to life.
He took pleasure in running his complex game of mischief in the Haiti missionary field.
He took great delight and breaking their arms.
He took delight in not caring for the sheep.
He took delight in telling them that he missed grace and then he turned around and blame it on them and said it's your fault He loves lying to them and not telling them the truth about him and about then.
He took delight in doing every form of evil to them every chance he got; it became his greatest joy ,it became the thing that fueled him.
He took great pleasure in telling them they were faithless, when he was faithless.
He took great pleasure in telling them what to think.
He took great pleasure in telling them what to believe.
He took great pleasure in telling them how to believe what to believe and why to believe it.
He knew that he's headed for destruction, but he could care less, because he takes pleasure in deceiving the brothers and sisters. Misery loves company.
He is a wolf and he is now openly devouring the sheep.
He has taken pleasure in wrapping them around his little finger.
He can play with them whenever he feels like it and there's not a thing they can do about it and he knows it.
He took joy in hiding from the brothers and sisters for he knew they did not see him, and he knew they would never see him.
He took delight in his false religion that led to no peace of God.
He took delight in crippling the sheep.
He took pleasure in writing oppression.
His writing was and is filled with all sorts of oppression.
He took pleasure in defiling our thoughts.
He took pleasure in defiling our hearts.
He took pleasure in twisting our thoughts.
He took pleasure in controlling communication.
He took pleasure in hearing himself talk.
He took pleasure in demanding we follow him with total submission, when he was a faker at heart and .
You took pleasure in holding our sins against us.
We took great pleasure in twisting the arms of the unsaved.
We took pleasure in false suffering for a ungrateful creep that we don't know.
He took joy in knowing that the brothers were never going to get married.
He took joy in knowing that the sisters were never going to get married.
He took joy in lording it over the brothers.
He took joy in lording it over the sisters.
He took joy in being a wrong example as a pastor.
He took joy in being rude as a teacher.
He took joy in being He took joy in being a wrong example as a father figure for his children and for the flock.
He took joy in getting others to do his dirty work.
He took joy in being an arrogant blook.
He took joy in crushing the talents of those in his charge.
He took great delight in condemning the brothers and sisters.
He took great joy in showing partiality.
The sisters too joy in being his teachers pet.
The brothers took joy in being the teachers pet.
He took joy in playing the game of catch me if you can.
He enjoyed playing the Hiding game.
He enjoyed brainwashing the sisters.
He enjoyed brainwashing the brothers.
He enjoyed telling the brothers and sisters that he was not the issue when he in fact is the issue.
He enjoyed being the ward of his sweat shop.
He enjoyed rebuking brothers and sisters for no reason.
He enjoyed telling them that they were wrong and never telling them what they were wrong about.
The sisters and brothers took great joy in bearing false witness against each other.
Stewart Traill took joy in false accusation toward the sheep.
He took joy in starving them from the real food they needed.
He took joy in having a swimsuit competition.
He took great delight in gawking at the sisters in their swimsuits.
He took joy in having pointless sisters meetings.
He took joy in having sisters meetings to scope out sisters and not for good reasons.
He took pleasure in deceiving the sheep because he was deceived already.
He took delight in boasting about how he missed grace for 25 years and now he was going to teach it to you.
He took pleasure in making them poor.
He took pleasure in spending the church money like a drunken sailor.
He took joy in being a louse.
Stew took joy in hurting people.
Stew took delight in causing the brothers and sisters to sin.
He took great joy in causing the little ones to stumble.
He loved being waited on hand and foot.
He loved being worshiped.
He loved not blessing the flock.
He took great pleasure in emasculating the brothers.
He took pleasure in making the sisters nuns.
He took pleasure in besmirching the brothers and sisters character.
He took pleasure in pointing the finger at the brothers and sisters.
He took pleasure in telling them that they had done wrong when it was he who was in the wrong they were in the right.
He took pleasure in tripping them up.
He took pleasure in castigating the people in his flock.
He took pleasure and mauling the brothers.
He took pleasure and having brothers work on his house and never paying them.
He took pleasure in mauling of brothers and sisters self-worth.
He took pleasure in mauling there self-pride.
He took pleasure and boasting about things that he had when he knew the brothers assist at night He enjoyed being offensive.
Enjoy the office it in his authority.
He enjoyed being rash.
He took pleasure in being nasty and thinking that that was righteousness.
He took pleasure in being a nasty jerk.
He took pleasure in being a nasty abusive King.
He took pleasure In smearing mud on the brothers faces.
He took pleasure in smearing mod on the sisters faces.
He took pleasure in causing agony.
He took pleasure in causing grief.
He took pleasure in isolating his flock from the other churches.
He took pleasure in wasting our time by listening to him drone on and on.
He took pleasure in being devilish.
He took pleasure in putting a leash on their necks.
He took pleasure in jerking there chains like a dog.
He took delight in magnifying himself.
He took a delight in glorifying himself above all.
He took delight in being the tallest tree that gave no shade.
He took delight in puffing at all his foes.
He took delight in proclaiming himself to be something when he was nothing.
He took delight in flunking the basics.
He took delight in being a womanizer.
He took pleasure in saying that he had the corner on interpretation when he had no understanding of interpretation.
He took pleasure in saying that he had the corner on bible understanding when he had no understanding.
He took great pleasure in being a vindictive cult leader.
He took pleasure in being vindictive and pushy.
He took delight in being a slave driver.
He took delight in being a harsh taskmaster.
He took delight in being a cruel father figure.
He took delight in defiling his marriage bed to Shirley.
He took delight in defiling his marriage bed to Gail trail.
He took delight in defiling the marriage bed.
He took delight in defiling the cobu marriage bed.
He took pleasure in defiling God's Church.
He took great pleasure in subverting the brothers in their causes.
He took pleasure in a subverting a sisters call of He took pleasure in digging a pit for the brothers and sisters.
He enjoys threatening oppression.
He enjoys wagging his finger at them.
He enjoys bashing the sheep.
He enjoys behaving like a spoiled brat.
He enjoys having everything his way.
He enjoys being a critic and never having any solutions.
He is in love with this present world.
He loves the darkness.
He loves it when they let him get away with his wrongdoing.
He took pleasure in being two faced.
He took pleasure and holding secret meetings and making people stumble.
He took pleasure in his cat clan to Stein meetings.
He took pleasure in being mean spirited.
He took pleasure in telling the brothers and sisters that they saw God with a stick in his hand.
He took pleasure in being rebellious.
He took pleasure in laughing at us of how stupid we were for listening to him.
He took pleasure in being disobedient to the Lord Jesus.
He took pleasure in being disobedient to the scripture.
He took pleasure in despising this scripture.
We took pleasure in calling the brothers and sisters mean names.
He took pleasure in being deaf to the truth.
He took pleasure in being blind to the truth.
He took pleasure in being short sighted.
He took pleasure in being dishonest over a little.
He took pleasure in being dishonest over much.
He took joy in not being a sound thinker.
He took pleasure in not being a good shepherd.
He took pleasure in being slow to believe the Gospel.
He took great pleasure in scoffing at the things that he did not understand.
He took joy in muddying the waters so no one else could drink.
He took pleasure in making their bondage strong.
He took pleasure in building his prison walls of the Church of Bible understanding.
He took pleasure in saying behold the hideout has become a prison.
He took pleasure in casting his suspicious doubt on the brothers and sisters.
He took great pleasure in deceiving everyone who came in his church.
He took pleasure in being a phony.
He took pleasure in being a fraud.
He took pleasure in being a fake.
He took pleasure in being a Jim Jones type character.
He took pleasure in being a false and corrupted teacher.
He took pleasure in promising them freedom but he himself is a slave of corruption.
He took pleasure in being a cruel leader.
He took pleasure in being a cruel Shepherd.
He took pleasure in being a cruel pastor with no mercy.
YouTube pleasure in being a cruel king.
He took pleasure in being a cruel mad man.
He took pleasure in sending them out in the cold to do his false witnessing.
He took pleasure in twisting the truth about Jesus.
He took pleasure in twisting the roles of marriage He took pleasure in defiling communion.
He took pleasure in twisting the new birth.
To pleasure in twisting witnessing.
He took pleasure in twisting crucifying the flash.
He took pleasure and squeezing the life out of the brothers and sisters.
He took great joy in wicked deception.
He took great joy in torturing his flock mentally.
He took great joy in fighting over minutia.
He took great joy in being ill-tempered.
He took great joy in being egocentric.
He took great joy in being bull headed.
He took great joy in being stubborn to no end.
He took great joy in being pig headed.
He took great joy in being a bully.
He took great joy in being a buffoon.
He took great joy in being an evil prankster.
He took great joy in being cold.
He took great joy in being cruel.
He took great joy in being cold hearted.
He took great joy in being defiant.
He took great joy in being deluded.
He took great joy in being demanding.
He took great joy in being combative.
He took great joy in being a warmonger.
He took great joy in being a troublemaker.
He took pleasure in making us dependent on him.
He took pleasure in causing us to see through rose colored glasses.
He took pleasure in giving them $20 per week.
He took pleasure in using fear to get what he wanted.
He took pleasure in tearing down the flock.
He took pleasure in breaking their wills.
He took pleasure in making their burdens heavy.
He took pleasure in making their chains strong.
He took pleasure in being bombastic.
He took pleasure in calling the sisters eve.
He took pleasure in calling the brothers dumb Adam.
He took pleasure in typecasting the members.
He took pleasure in pigeonholing everyone.
He took pleasure in lifting himself up when he was really a skunk.
He took pleasure in keeping the good things of life from the flock.
He took pleasure in despising his own creation.
He took pleasure in watching the sheep grow old knowing that we had no hope.
He took pleasure in seeing the sisters get old and having no possibility of having children.
He took pleasure in keeping them from the marriage bed.
He took pleasure in writing mischief.
He took pleasure in evil decree’s.
He took pleasure in keeping us up late, when we had to work the next day.
He took pleasure in treating the church like his personal cookie jar.
He took pleasure in praising himself.
He took pleasure in cooking up harebrained schemes that made no sense.
He took pleasure in isolating the church from healthy christians.
He took pleasure in filling the flock with empty garbage.
He took pleasure in studying the second coming when he did not understand the basics of faith.
He took pleasure in wasting our time with empty talk.
He took pleasure in being a profligate.
He took pleasure in public humiliation of the flock.
He took pleasure in private humiliation of the flock.
He took pleasure in being a mob type boss.
He took pleasure in being harsh when the word says that we are to be gentle.
He took pleasure in hating the idea of love.
He took pleasure in being a slick con artist. He took delight in mocking the idea of love.
He took delight in loving mammon.
He took delight in bribes.
He took delight in mocking kindness.
He took delight in mocking goodness.
He took delight in glorying in his shame.
He took delight in misrepresenting the Christ.
He took delight in being a bling guide.
He took delight in having absolute power.
He took delight in abusing his authority for evil.
He took delight in cheap psychological mind games.
He took delight in being a crook.
He took delight in being a base fellow.
He took delight in being wise in his own eyes .
He took delight in being unbiblical .
He took delight in being unchaste.
He took delight in being ungodly.
He took delight in being unwise.
He took delight in being unholy.
He took delight in being a megalomaniac.
He took delight in being unethical.
He took delight in being unprincipled.
He took delight in being undisciplined.
He took delight in being implacable.
He took delight in being hard hearted.
He took delight in despising soft hearted people.
He took delight in being unmerciful.
He took delight in soiling the character of others.
He took delight in creating road blocks.
He took delight in creating stumbling blocks.
He took delight in creating pit falls.
He took delight in causing the little ones to sin.
He took delight in manipulating the flock to get what he wanted.
He took delight in corrupting the innocent.
He took delight in making us feel guilty.
He took delight in betraying the lambs He took delight in betraying the brothers and sisters.
He took delight in being a skunk.
He took delight in trafficking in the sheep.
He took delight in not believing the brothers and sisters.
He took delight in scolding the sheep.
He took delight in going against his word .
He took delight in double crossing the sheep.
He took delight in making double standards.
He took delight in boasting about his hobbies while he mocked us for not having hobbies.
He took delight in being lewd.
He took delight in setting traps for the flock.
He took delight in pointing out our faults, but he never stated his own faults.
He took delight in a win at all cost mentality.
He took delight in burning bridges that should not be.
He took delight in saying that we were programmed for success, when we were domed for failure.
He took delight in a scorched earth policy.
He took delight in seducing the women in his house.
He took delight in sporting with the brothers and sisters.
He took delight in his harem
He took delight in choosing the prettiest of the women.
He took delight in saying "I got my fellowship and you've got yours ".
He took delight in saying that he church that he created was scum.
He took delight in being double minded.
He took delight in being false to the truth.
He took delight in being a false witness.
He took delight in casting doubt.
He took delight in casting mistrust.
He took delight in false humility.
He took delight in laughing at the ones who tried so hard and got nowhere.
He took delight in creating a church of liars.
He took delight in feeding the on the milk of works.
He took delight in stunting their growth.
He took delight in hem the wrong food.
He took delight in starving them.
He took delight in writing his name on their hearts.
He took delight in condemning the innocent.
Stewart took pleasure in expressing his own opinion.
Stewart took pleasure in being filled with malice.
Stewart took pleasure in being godless.
Stewart took pleasure in not falling into the earth and dying.
Stewart took pleasure in getting rich of the backs of slaves.
Stewart took pleasure in being a selfish and lay pastor.
Stewart took pleasure in being a hireling.
Stewart took pleasure in being stingy.
Stewart took pleasure in being a Judas.
Stewart took pleasure in being an ogre.
Stewart took pleasure in being a jack ass.
Stewart took pleasure in being wild.
They took pleasure in straining out a gnat and swallowing a building.
They took great pleasure in going round and round about nothing.
They took pleasure in misleading the unsaved.
They took pleasure in pulling mischief pranks on one another.
They took pleasure in slick con games with each other.
Stewart Traill took great pleasure in hiding his true heart from the flock.
Stewart Traill took great pleasure in exposing his true heart at the grace meeting of how he missed grace.
He took pleasure in flaunting his stupidity.
He took pleasure in Flushing is a clearance.
He took pleasure in suppressing the truth about the Lord Jesus.
He took pleasure in suppressing the truth about himself.
He took delight in suppressing the truth about Jesus.
He took pleasure in brain washing the sheep.
Stew took delight in the fact that they couldn't think for themselves.
He took pleasure in flip flopping.
He took pleasure in being a sneak thief.
He took pleasure in cheap tricks for the fellowship.
He took pleasure low income housing.
He took pleasure in devising wicked devices.
He took delight in entrapping the People of God.
He took pleasure in being an evil clown.
He enjoyed looking good in front of the people.
He enjoyed saying that he had all of the answers when he had no answers.
He enjoyed hiding behind his mask.
He enjoyed hiding from himself who he really is.
He enjoyed being a rock star type character.
He enjoyed the money.
He enjoyed walking in falsehood.
He love the praise of man that his flock gave him.
He loved oppression and hated love.
He loves his expensive toys.
He loves trying to be a kid when he was getting older and older and older.
He loved to see himself as somebody who was smart but really he was very dumb.
He loves dodging the issues.
He loves dodging the truth.
He loves saying peace peace when there is no peace.
He loves wounding with his words.
He loves walking in darkness.
He loves being superficial.
He loves living in fantasy.
He loves the easy way instead of the right way.
He loves using their sins against them.
He loves giving wrong counsel.
He loved blaming the brothers and sisters for his failure
He loves rebuking without cause.
Stew loves clamoring on about nothing.
Stew loves clamoring about nonsense.
He love haves denying justice.
He loves denying them compassion.
He loved tolerating a deceitful spirit.
He loves harassing them.
He loves committing adultery.
He loves perusing them .
The law to walking in a spiteful Spears.
He loves joining sin to sin.
He loves being a masochist.
He enjoys denying the rights of the needy.
He hated people correcting him.
Stewart loves striking terror.
He loves watching them sweat.
He loved pulling the rug out from under their feet.
He loves making threats.
He enjoyed corrupting the guiltless.
The enjoyed seeing the women bleed.
He enjoyed pulling the plug on every program that he made.
Stew loved pulling things from his backside.
He enjoyed taking his bat out and swinging.
Do you enjoy teasing been with his 6 games.
He enjoyed sleeping all day and doing nothing all night.
He enjoy his comforts of life that the church brought him.
He enjoyed living like a billionaire wilder brothers and sisters live in squalor.
Do you enjoy having a big mansion and living like a king.
Stew loves inventing evil.
He loves being an ungrateful cuss.
He loves being a thief.
He loves being a robber.
He loves turning his disciples into preachers of darkness.
He loves making his flock just like he is.
They love hiding behind their cloaks.
Stew loves condemning the guiltless.
Stew loves creating chaos.
Stew loves taking every thought to disobey the gospel.
Stew loved them burdened with iniquity.
Stew enjoyed being the clown
He enjoyed being a drill sergeant.
Stew loved being a petty thief.
Stew loved dolling out oppression.
Stew loved having his ego stroked.
He loves to seek for evil.
Stewart loves depriving the sheep of their right.
Stewart delights in waling in the stubbornness of his own heart.
Stewart delights in foolishly thinning he will get away with his wrong doing.
Stewart delights in dishonoring the sun.
Stewart delights in pulling the hoofs off of the sheep.
Stewart delights in expressing his own foul thoughts.
Stewart delights in being an expert in evil doing.
Stewart delights in his lamp of wickedness.
Stewart delights in being a snake.
Stewart delights in verbally abusing the sheep.
Stewart delights in being dishonorable.
Stewart delights in returning to his own vomit.
Stewart delights in being driven by every wind of doctrine.
Stewart delights in giving no nourishment.
Stewart delights in giving no water.
Stewart delights in being a waterless cloud.
Stewart delights in empty words of wind.
Stewart delights in empty talk that brings no blessing.
Stewart delights in using empty slogans.
Stewart delights in empty speeches.
Stewart delights in empty proverbs.
Stewart delights in empty aims.
Stewart delights in empty cult phrases.
Stewart delights in empty philosophy.
Stewart delights in empty promises.
He took pleasure in ruining the kids.
He allowed the homeless to raise her kids.
He loved calling the kids little snakes.
He thought that doing evil would bring good.
They love oppressing themselves.
He love hiding skeletons in his closet.
They loved being cold and stone hearted.
They love breaking up married couples.
They love being passionate about wrong doing.
They love being his disciples.
they love doing his dirty work that he does not like doing himself.
They loves making excuses for his putrid behavior.
He enjoys grinding their face in the dirt.
Steve loves making them weep in secret Steve love making them doubt their belief.
Steve loved making them guess his sick riddles.
Steve loved making them suffer for him and not Jesus.
Steve loved making them try to explain their stupidity.
Steve loved making them sweat.
Steve loved making them frustrated.
Steve loved making them drunk with ignorance.
Steve loved making them brake the biblical codes.
Steve loved making them drunk with no desire to have abetter life.
Steve loved making them desire to be like him.
Stew you love feeding yourself.
Stew you love feeding your flesh.
Stew you love feeding your empty appetite.
Stew you love beating your chest.
Stew you love taking away their manhood Stew you love taking away their womanhood.
Stew you love destruction.
Stew you love them for the money they bring you.
Stew you love taking advantage of defenseless sisters.
Stew you love the fact that you have overcome them with lies.
Stew you love casting false shame on mindless cobu’s.
Trail misplaced the landmarks,
trail removed the landmark.
This the trail scattered the landmark.
He took pleasure in disfiguring the landmarks.
He took pleasure in twisting the landmark.
It took pleasure in vomiting all over communion.
They take great delight in saying empty religious phrases.
He loves feeding them slot.
He loves grinding them to powder.
He loves feeling the air with his foul gas that gave no comfort.
He loves palling burdens on them that make them ineffective.
He loves swinging his Ford of oppression.
He loves tightening his cords of oppression around their necks tightly.
He loves fighting to fill up his sick appetite.
He loves being an eccentric recluse.
He loves checking his paranoia up on the brothers and sisters.
He loves speaking paranoia.
. He loves walking in paranoid you.
He love using paranoia to get what he wants for the brothers and sisters.
He loves beating them silly with their foolishness.
Stewart loves false humility.
Stewart loves false hope.
Stewart loves patting himself on the back.
Stewart loves the praise of man so much that it make his head swell.
Stewart Traill took delight in teaching wrong doctrine.
Stewart Traill loves being a rogue shepherd.
Stewart Traill loves being a rogue king.
Stewart Traill loves being a rogue pastor.
Stewart Traill loves being a rogue preacher.
Stewart Traill loves being a rogue teacher.
Stewart Traill loves being a rogue leader.
Stewart Traill loves being a rogue example.
Stewart Traill loves being a rogue bible interpreter.
Stewart Traill loves being a rogue student.
Stewart Traill loves being a rogue counselor.
Stewart Traill loves being a rogue father figure.
He loves studying the fig tree which gave no blessing.
He delights in making up the rules as he went along.
He loves sewing weeds.
He loves the polluted stream that he made.
He loves making hey about nothing.
He loves stolen bread weather than making an honest living.
He loves committing villainy.
He enjoys being a crook.
He enjoys white-collar crime.
He enjoys being a Christian thug.
He loves being a thug.
He loves being a smooth criminal.
You delights in making them old.
He loves making them work for nothing.
He loves making them his prisoners.
He loves making them uneasy.
He loves making them doubtful of faith.
He loves making them question themselves.
He loves making them look for false guilt.
He loves making them question each other to keep them in line.
He loves the sick pleasure of being a worthless messenger.
He loves the sick pleasure of being a worthless king.
He loves the sick pleasure of being a worthless fellowship.
He loves the sick pleasure of being a worthless church.
He loves the sick pleasure of being a worthless leader.
He loves the sick pleasure of being a worthless teacher.
He loves the sick pleasure of being a worthless speaker.
He loves the sick pleasure of being a worthless motivate.
He loves the sick pleasure of being a worthless sage.
He loves the sick pleasure of being a worthless adviser.
He loves the sick pleasure of being a worthless counselor.
He loves the sick pleasure of being a worthless bible teacher.
He loves the sick pleasure of being a worthless detective.
He loves the sick pleasure of being a worthless witness.
He loves the sick pleasure of being a worthless testimony.
He loves the sick pleasure of being a worthless example of a leader.
He loves the sick pleasure of being a worthless heavy weight.
He relishes being a base fellow He relishes being rude and nasty.
He relishes being ostentatious.
He relishes being caviler.
He relishes being over confident.
He relishes being pregnant with mischief.
He relishes being storm tossed.
He relishes being unreal.
He relishes being pregnant with violence.
He relishes being prude.
He relishes being cruel.
He relishes being genuine.
Steve took delight in bringing ruin to his church.
Steve took delight in bringing ruin to the fellowship.
Steve took delight in bringing ruin to the flock.
Steve took delight in bringing ruin to the brothers.
Steve took delight in bringing ruin to the sisters.
Steve took delight in bringing ruin to the orphanage.
Steve took delight in bringing ruin to the faith of his flock Steve took delight in bringing ruin to the children.
Steve took delight in bringing ruin to all hope.
Steve took delight in bringing ruin and misery.
Steve took delight in bringing ruin and frustration.
Steve took delight in bringing ruin and unnecessary suffering.
Steve took delight in bringing ruin to those who have nothing.
Steve took delight in causing scoffing.
Steve took delight in hating knowledge.
Steve took delight in bringing ruin.
Steve took delight in bringing destruction.
Steve took delight in bringing despair.
Steve took delight in bringing root rot.
He delights in perverseness.
He loves perverse ways.
He craves for perverseness.
He loves speaking perverseness.
He gets his thrill from doing perverse things.
He is a pervert who loves hiding behind the bible.
He is a pervert who loved seeing the sisters homeless.
He is a pervert who loves ruling with an iron fist.
He is a pervert who loves the finest of luxuries .
He is a pervert who loves seeing them writhe in pain.
He is a pervert who loves seeing them tortured.
He is a pervert who loves watching to do evil.
He is a pervert who loves watching them suffer.
He is a pervert who loves wonder around aimlessly.
He is a pervert who loves making more demands.
He is a pervert who loves increasing their burdens.
Stew love being contemptible.
He loves being a jerk.
He loves being who and what the voices tell him.
He loves being an appointment of the Lord Jesus.
He loves of holding that which is right.
He loves the 9 the Mako brought him.
He loves being an opponent of the things that the Bible stand for.
Loves being a porn Being in a Palmer about the awards stand for He enjoys spitting in Jesus's face.
He loves those when hears his message.
He love those who kissed his feet.
He loves those who strengthens his hand for evil.
Yeah he loves those who strengthens him in his folly.
He loves those who listen to his folly.
He loves those who work like a slave for him to fatten his lifestyle.
He loves those who commit crimes for him and his causes.
He loves those who bend their ear and listen to every word he says.
He takes pleasure in delusion.
He loves those Who tell him that he is wonderful.
He loves listening to evil spirits.
He loves listening to evil devices.
He loves those evil spirits that correct him and embrace it.
He loves laughing at the slaves that he has enslaved.
He scorns those who still listens to him; at the same time he still laugh at them He despises the word repent.
He loves the wicked disciples that he sired.
He loves kicking them in their faces even though they seek his council.
He loves pulling the rug out from under their feat.
He takes delight in tripping them as they walk by with his foot.
His members take delight in rejecting the Savior.
He takes delight in teasing them about how stupid they are He takes delight in teasing them that they are in a cult that he made with his own hands.
Traill Loves touting his skill as a Bible teacher and yet he miss grace for over 25 years.
Traill took delight in making loud clamoring noise.
List it real love blow fading about non nonsense.
He was annoys the gong an acclaim symbol when it came to talking about the second coming.
Stewart loves unrighteous gain.
Stewart loves easy money.
He loves gain by wrong doing.
He loves making money be illegal way.
He loves making money the unlawful way.
He was like Baalam son of Beor Who loved game by wrong doing.
He loved killing the innocent to fill up his heart of greed.
He loves sacrificing the innocent to fill up his lost for money.
He loves killing the poor.
He took pleasure in depriving them of their right.
It took pleasure in depriving them of Justice that was due then.
He loves being a phoney.
He loves being a vial hypocrite.
He loves sitting in the seat of Honor when he was behaving dishonorably.
He loves to taunt those who came to him for help.
He loves flirting in front of the sisters and brothers came to him for council about marriage.
He love using the evil tactics when the brothers came for marriage counsel.
He loves whipping them with chords of oppression.
He loves making their chains strong so that no one can break them.
Stuart road loves making it impossible to please Jesus in his house of pain.
He loves being a slippery eel.
He loves being a slippery snake.
He loves being a greased pig.
He loves being a dirty slime ball.
He loves being a slippery walrus.
He loves being slippery like butter.
He loves smooth words.
He love speaking false smooth words of butter.
He loves talking words of mischief.
He loves cursing them in his mind.
He loves cursing them in his heart publicly.
You love cursing them in his heart privately.
He loves cursing them openly.
He loves bragging about how wealthy he became.
He loves showing off his huge mansion.
Even the world has no respect for him who was a cheat.
All were baptized into Stewart Traill and every sense of the word his teachings his viewing of the Christians his concepts go and learn what this means.
He enjoyed flaunting his wife with tight suggestive clothing on as the brothers Sat there and were being teased.
He loves the brew of abomination that he created.
He loves serving it to his disciples this brew of abomination.
He loves the way this brew of abomination smells.
He loves the way this beautiful abomination taste.
He loves serving the brew of abomination to his flock.
Stew perfected the brew of abomination that he made and when he was told to give it up he doubled down on it.
He loves doubling down on wickedness.
He loves doubling down on Oprah shin.
He doubled down on cheap antics.
He doubled down on cheap pranks.
He doubled down on false balances.
He doubled down on falls weights.
He double down on violence.
He loves getting a rise out of those who told him the truth as he laughs in their face.
He doubled down on wickedness.
He doubled down on wrongdoing.
He doubled down on oppression.
He loves a falsehood and sperms are not evil.
He took joy in being a worthless son.
Stewart Traill loves perverting the rights of the afflicted.
Stewart takes pleasure in perverting the cry of the needy.
Stewart takes pleasure in perverting the cry of the poor.
Stewart takes pleasure in perverting justice for the oppressed.
Stewart takes pleasure in perverting peace for the down cast.
Stewart takes pleasure in perverting goodness.
Stewart takes pleasure in perverting kindness.
Stewart takes pleasure in perverting the grace of God.
Stewart takes pleasure in perverting good will for his sheep.
Stewart takes pleasure in perverting freedom for those who are in pits.
Stewart takes pleasure in perverting equity for all.
Stewart takes pleasure in perverting salvation.
Stewart takes pleasure in perverting justification.
Stewart takes pleasure in perverting faithfulness.
Stewart takes pleasure in perverting peace.
Stewart takes pleasure in perverting salvation.
Stewart takes pleasure in perverting marriage.
Stewart takes pleasure in perverting the laws of marriage.
Stewart takes pleasure in perverting the bible.
Stewart takes pleasure in perverting there Lords table.
Stewart takes pleasure in perverting prophecy.
Stewart takes pleasure in perverting tolerating sin.
Stewart takes pleasure in perverting human weaknesses.
Stewart takes pleasure in perverting the ancient landmarks as of old.
Stewart takes pleasure in perverting our view of God.
Stewart takes pleasure in perverting the road to freedom.
Stewart takes pleasure in perverting the way to heaven.
Stewart takes pleasure in perverting our ears to only hear him and not the Lord.
He loves to subvert a man in his cause.
He loves subverting a sister in her cause.
Stew trusts in empty nothings He loves deceit They take pleasure in denying the master.
They take pleasure in mischief.
They take pleasure in wearing their cloaks.
They take pleasure in doing evil.
They take pleasure in rebellion.
They take pleasure in empty words.
They take pleasure in empty promises to each other.
They take pleasure in lying to themselves.
They take pleasure in lying to one another.
They take pleasure in falsehood.
They take pleasure in foolishness.
They take pleasure in being a false witness.
They take pleasure in being poor in Christ.
They take pleasure in madness.
They take pleasure in being nasty.
They take pleasure in not listening to one another.
They take pleasure in violence.
They take pleasure in suffering for one who cares nothing for them.
They take pleasure in oppressing each other.
They take pleasure in cutting themselves for their families.
They take pleasure in doling punishment.
They take pleasure in condemning each other.
They take pleasure in harshness.
They take pleasure in rudeness.
They take pleasure in their lives wasting away.
They take pleasure in being empty.
They take pleasure in being abuses.
They take pleasure in sitting under a false teacher.
They take pleasure in bending their ear to Stewart Traill.
They take pleasure in following his every whim.
They take pleasure in his every hair brained scheme.
They take pleasure in his instability.
They take pleasure in recklessness.
They take pleasure in his sin.
They take pleasure in protecting his wickedness.
They take pleasure in his evil ways.
They take pleasure in covering up for him.
They take pleasure in doing his bidding.
They take pleasure in being his lacy.
They take pleasure in doing his dirty work.
They take pleasure in him although he kicks them in the head.
They take pleasure in waiting on him like a king.
They take pleasure in closing their eyes from what Stew has become.
They take pleasure in lying to the world about who they really are.
They take pleasure in being uninformed.
They take pleasure in being unhappy.
They take pleasure in false suffering.
They take pleasure in renouncing righteousness.
They take pleasure in being dumb.
They take pleasure in being stubborn.
They take pleasure in worshipping Traill.
They take pleasure in partaking in his sin.
They take pleasure in corrupting their minds.
They take pleasure in defiling their hearts.
They take pleasure in defiling one another.
They take pleasure in suppressing the truth.
They take pleasure in suppressing the word of the bible.
They take pleasure in suppressing the truth about Stew.
They take pleasure in doing every form of evil .
They take pleasure in doing every form of oppression.
He delighted in crooked underhanded dealings dealings He delighted in arrogance.
He delighted in teaching calculus when the people did not know how to add and subtract.
He delighted in having a forked tongue.
He delighted in telling them that things are gonna get better when things only got worse.
He delighted in building his trip apartment to keep your brothers away from sisters when it was he who was the trip.
He delighted in the fact that he was the Fox in the henhouse. for he could have chicken for lunch whenever he wanted.
He delighted in seeing the money come in as it filled up his storehouse of treasure.
He delighted in being the center of attention at all times. And he hated it when other people stole the attention away from him this is nothing more than a spoiled brat.
He delighted in seeing people stressed as they tried to take him on.
He loves saying who sees me.
He loves saying who knows me.
He loves saying who is going to stop me.
He loves saying God is not going to say anything to me.
He loves saying I am going to get over I have beaten all of my opponents I have beaten all of my photos.
He loves to be waited on.
He loves when people stroke his ego.
He loves to be told what a wonderful Bible teacher he is.
He delighted in getting them drunk.
He delighted and getting in getting them drunk and then he would take advantage of them.
He enjoyed serving them the drink of pride.
He enjoyed feeding them the dish of deception.
He enjoyed giving them the cocktail of you are worthless and you are hopeless.
He enjoyed serving them the brew of abomination.
He enjoyed stripping them off all of their defense so we were on able to defend out cells from him .
He delights in satisfying his appetite of lust and greed.
Stew delights in the fact that no one asks him any questions.
Stew delights in being a swindler who is mean and nasty.
Stew delights in his abundant riches.
Stew delights in his rusted armor.
Stew delights in in vain glory.
Stew delights in the blood of the innocent.
Stew delights in those who resist him it is sport.
Stew delights in playing hide and seek.
Stew delights in hearing the voice of the accuser.
Stew delights in correcting others and he failed to correct himself.
Stew delights in talking about things he has no clue of.
Stew delights in playing fast and loose with the rules.
Stew delights in going back on his word.
Stew delights in expressing his own opinion.
Stew delights in being vacillating like a worldly person.
Stew delights in taking a wrecking ball to anyone who has faith.
He took pleasure in filling us up with his arrogance.
Stewart loves being drunk in the house of The Lord.
Steve loves being drunk to kindness.
Steve loves being drunk to goodness.
Steve loves being drunk to sound teachings.
Steve loves being drunk to the peace of God.
Steve loves being drunk to the grace of God.
Steve loves being drunk to mercy.
Steve loves being drunk to faith.
Steve loves being drunk to gentleness.
Steve loves being drunk to humility.
Steve loves being drunk to stability.
Steve loves being drunk to meekness.
Steve loves being drunk to righteousness.
Steve loves being drunk to forgiveness.
Steve loves being drunk to justice.
Steve loves being drunk to honor.
Steve loves being drunk to the cries of his sheep.
Steve loves being drunk to their suffering.
Steve loves being drunk to their plight.
Steve loves being drunk to their deplorable condition.
Steve loves being drunk to his selfish gain.
Steve loves being drunk to their pain.
Steve loves being drunk to their agony.
Steve loves being drunk to their frustration.
Steve loves being drunk to his own inequity.
Steve loves being drunk to his own hardness of heart.
Steve loves being drunk to their adversity.
Steve loves being drunk to wasting their lives away.
Steve loves being drunk to their life of hardship.
Steve loves being drunk to their life of bondage.
Steve loves being drunk to reason.
He enjoyed having absolute power.
He enjoyed absolute Auto rotate.
He enjoyed playing ping pong with their hearts.
He loves the gains of oppression.
He loves those who defend his evil.
He loves being in his drunken stupor.
They love going against their conscious to please their mentor.
He took delight in calling the grace meeting to enslave them further.
He loves having a moment of clarity in wickedness.
They love working in his sweat shop.
He loves false advertisements.